Dear Mr. David Strauss,

May us have your suggesion on Hacking Days Extra 2007?
If you have time, please leave some outlines of your advises to

Thank you. :)


2007/2/6, David Strauss <>:
I'd like to see if we can punch out some community collaboration systems
to replace some rather ugly and complicated templates on Meta. For
example, internationalization efforts could really use a system that
allows people to register what translations they can do and
automatically contact volunteers to help translation projects. If
translations also happened in the system, it could export translation
files in .pot and various MediaWiki-friendly formats for immediate use.
Translation language priorities would be far simpler to establish. Even
the workflow of creating, editing, and verifying translations could be
encoded into the system. Maybe

I'd also like to create a citation- and source-tracking system where
people can debate sources and interpretations in a central system. Right
now, these debates are sprinkled over article and policy talk pages.
Worse still, once the debates get archived, newcomers just repeat them.

These projects could be implemented as MediaWiki special pages or Drupal
modules. (Other systems could work, too, but I'd have to learn them.)
Hopefully SUL migration will be finished by WikiMania 2007 so users
won't need new accounts for new systems.