Hello Marc,

I was not on the planning team for this part of the program at the last Wikimania, but I volunteered to facilitate several sessions and also participated in several more. 

There are key difference from having a topic interest group hold a session to talk informally among themselves, and the way that the critical discussions are done. 

Both are important ways for people in our movement to communicate at a wikiconferences. The first approach...BoF...will happen with or without assistance from the organizers doing much to help. The approach is dependent on the conference organizing team providing space, a facilitator, note taker, and a process to select topics that are of interest to the broader wikimedia movement. 

The critical discussions that I attended were well attended, well facilitated, and had a better wrap up conclusion than less formal discussions. So, I hope that the next Wikimania will include a track for these more formally organized discussion sessions. 

Warm regards,

Sydney Poore

On Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 11:56 AM, Leila Zia <leila@wikimedia.org> wrote:

On Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 6:35 AM, Marc-Andre <marc@uberbox.org> wrote:

Hey Leila,

On 2016-08-10 01:08 AM, Leila Zia wrote:
Are we considering to not continue the support for the Discussion Rooms idea as suggested in Wikimania London and explored in London, Mexico City, and Esino Lario? If so, can you expand why? Quite a few of the Discussion sessions in Esino Lario were very well attended, the participants took active role in these sessions, and the general sentiment that I got from these sessions was that they were helpful.

I'm not sure how you get to that conclusion - BoF sessions are a more general concept that encompasses discussions neatly; I'm not sure why you feel that does not provide support?

Perhaps there is an aspect I didn't understand.  What's missing?

​From the point of view of an audience of these sessions, I see few differences: There is a specific structure to Discussion Room sessions that is described in, for example here. There is also a process regarding call for proposals/abstracts, reviewing them, and accepting them. This level of freedom for a subset of people (Discussion Room organizers) to control the outline and processes around Discussion Room sessions may be in contrast with what you said earlier regarding the conditions that you would like to define for discussions happening under BoF: " They are generally more specialized or aimed towards a more precise public, and are not selected by the programme committee nor curated beyond a simple set of criteria[1] so they are more free-form." and "[1] They need to be directly related to the movement or an allied movement.​​". I want to specifically emphasize "nor curated beyond a simple set of criteria".

If you see a way for allowing/having the kind of structure and process that Discussion Rooms require under BoF, then I have no more questions. :) If not, I'd appreciate if you help me understand this better.


-- Marc

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