One reason for asking for contest entries off list is that if contest entries were on list then any subsequent entries might have an advantage. Especially if any of the guesses were correct.

But I can disclose that despite the recent weather in London there will be no oral rehydration salts, sunblock or pith helmets. Nor is there any Tupperware. Also we ran out of copies of the rules of Mornington Crescent, sorry about that. If your bag doesn't have a set, we apologise and suggest you just join in a game and pick up the rules as you go. Providing you have memorised the tube map you should be fine.

The latest on the weather is that the extreme heat of the last week or so when temperatures were in the high twenties has abated. It is still very hot, 24 degrees today and the tube is festooned with posters advising people to carry bottles of water, (though they have yet to tell us what to do with this water).The latest forecast is for continued high temperatures throughout Wikimania peaking at 22 or even 23 in the hottest parts of the day, but thankfully with a reasonable chance of rain on most days of Wikimania except Thursday.


Jonathan aka WereSpielChequers

On 3 Aug 2014, at 21:47, Benoît Evellin <> wrote:


Why "off lists"? This question is THE question about Wikimania 2014! :-D


2014-08-03 22:39 GMT+02:00 Cornelius Kibelka <>:

Off-list, Chris, off-list. ;)

Am 03.08.2014 22:37 schrieb "Chris Keating" <>:

Is there tupperware in the bags?

On Sun, Aug 3, 2014 at 6:34 PM, WereSpielChequers <> wrote:
Dear all,

Thanks to the stuffers for stuffing enough delegate bags today for the largest ever Wikimania.

As well as a tube map and Wikimania program there were several other things in each bag, any guesses please send off list. The best guess gets a prize set of four wikipedia beermats.

Hint. All contents will fit into a cotton bag and none require refrigeration or air holes.

See you all soon


Jonathan aka WereSpielChequers

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