Hi Jacek,

Thanks very much - well done. :-) I really like how you have the schedule at a glance, with similarly themed presentations grouped together in a block. What would be useful now is to see exactly when each presentation will happen in each block, since people might want to hope between some sessions in different blocks. I would imagine, if they haven't given prior notice, that presenters will be available in their given time slots - no?

Looking forward to it. :-)


On 29 June 2010 00:21, Jankowski, Jacek <jacek.jankowski@deri.org> wrote:

Dear All,


I have just made the “final schedule”* for Wikimania 2010 available online here: http://wikimania2010.wikimedia.org/wiki/Schedule.

Dear authors, I was doing my best to plan the sessions according to your requests regarding time needed for presentations/workshops/etc. and your availability. However, I still need you to review it and tell me if you can be present on given time.


Best regards,

 Jacek Jankowski

 Wikimania 2010 PC Chair


*Subject to change…;)

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