Hey, Wikimaniacs. Sorry for the off-topic post (AND the cross post, for those of you who just got a nearly-identical message on foundation-l), but I wanted to alert Wikimania-interested people to the upcoming RecentChangesCamp event in Palo Alto, CA:
RecentChangesCamp is the world-wide "unconference" for wiki admins, users and developers. It's a 3-day event, free of charge for all participants, and open to anyone who shows up (although an RSVP is mighty appreciated, so organizers can plan food, T-shirts, space, etc.). The event runs on peer-to-peer working group sessions, scheduled on the first day, based on the "Open Space" conference method. It's very wiki!

Along with Wikimania and WikiSym, RecentChangesCamp is the third leg of the year's wiki conference marathon. I've been for the last three years and loved it; most other wiki-minded people I've talked to have liked it a lot, too. Please feel free to pass this email or the above link along to people you think might be interested and able to attend.

