Good question Andy... WOW travel agency wrote to me that the easiest way is by taxi or Uber (is this really affordable?)

On Sat, 14 Jul 2018, 21:22 Andy Mabbett, <> wrote:
How did you get to Table Mountain from the city centre?

Andy Mabbett

On Sat, 14 Jul 2018 18:49 Romaine Wiki, <> wrote:
Hi Mina,

Depends on what you plan to do. In the city it is a reasonable temperature and a lighter jacket will do. But on top of Table Mountain it was very cold and very windy today.

Casual meetups certainly take place every evening at the bar of the Southern Sun Cape Sun hotel. I can buy you a drink if you come there.


2018-07-14 0:09 GMT+02:00 Mina Theofilatou <>:
Hello Romaine!

Rain is not a problem... when there are happy faces :)

I will be packing tomorrow and I was wondering whether I will be needing my heavy winter jacket, or whether a lighter one will do... is it just rainy, or also cold and windy?

Looking forward to seeing everyone again. I will be there on the 16th around noon, if there are any casual meet-ups for the evening I will be happy to be there :)

Mina (Greece)

On Fri, 13 Jul 2018, 23:24 Romaine Wiki, <> wrote:
Hi all,

An hour ago I arrived in Cape Town, in the rain!
People with happy faces in the rain.

Even while it is dark here, the Table Mountain in full dark is extremely beautiful thanks to the clouds behind it.

The staff of the hotel is exited for all you to come next week!

Welcome all to South Africa!


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