I  seem to  have missed it: could someone post  the details for  the live streaming  of all  the presentations so  that  the people  who  were denied scholarships or visa can follow the conference from home. Thanks.

On 8Aug, 2017, at 20:09, Siebrand Mazeland <siebrand@kitano.nl> wrote:

If you like Telegram better than IRC, and you want to stay in touch during the Wikimania days, you could consider joining the unofficial Wikimania 2017 Social group on Telegram.

In this group, the code of conduct for Wikimedia technical spaces is in effect. No idea what that means? Better read it first: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Code_of_Conduct

If you take issue with anything that happens in the channel, please contact a channel administrator.



Siebrand Mazeland
Kitano ICT

M: +31 6 50 69 1239
Skype: siebrand
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