Hi Phoebe,

the plaque was revealed during the closing ceremony. I understood it is connected to the collaborative space (how typical) of the village, to commemorate that Wikimania was in the town. I'm not sure if the space is actually named after Wikimania, that part of the translation got lost on me. The wiki says however: "Esino Lario collaborative space devoted to the associations of the village and named after Wikimania"

The artist was there too, I think, but I didn't catch many details.


2016-07-05 23:33 GMT+02:00 phoebe ayers <phoebe.wiki@gmail.com>:
Hi all,

Does anyone have close-up pictures of, and/or more information about
(creator, purpose, etc), the stone plaque that has Wikimania 2016
etched into it? This one:

Backstory: as some of you know, the original designer of the Wikimania
logo, Ben Yates, passed away a few years ago. I am in occasional touch
with his family and I think it would be meaningful for them to know
that somewhere in the world, Ben's logo is etched in stone :)


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