Hi Romaine,

I am sad to hear about this, it may well tarnish the very good opinion I have had so far about this year's Wikimania.
I am also quite sorry to say that I do not know if we have met in person, I have such a bad memory, so please forgive me if we know each other.
I would dare to suggest that you stick around, I know that it would be quite difficult for you, and I hope that some of our WMF staff will reach out to you, but if you show up tomorrow I feel certain that you will find the support of a lot of wikimedians you have been helpful to. Please reconsider...

Best regards

On Thu, Jul 19, 2018 at 10:03 PM KuboF Hromoslav <kubof.hromoslav@gmail.com> wrote:
Sad to read this Romaine...

I am not aware of all details but as I personally know you, you are very helpful and skilled. As we say "only those who do nothing, do no errors". Some people can perceive some helpful actions as damaging (I certainly do in some contexts) but it is not good reason to stop helping. I would suggest more personal responsibility for those who perceive you speaking loudly and standing closely to ask you do it in other way. I remember no one time when Wikimanian refused to do so if gently and clearly asked.

Sleep well and rethink tommorow
KuboF Hromoslav

Dňa štvrtok 19. júla 2018 Romaine Wiki <romaine.wiki@gmail.com> napísal(a):
Dear all,

Right now I am feeling much hurt after a conversation I just had.

What has happened?
- People say I have been talking to loud, however I do not know where that was, but for those who complained about that: I am very sorry, not my intention. Please be aware I have a hearing problem and I do hear myself much less, as well as I have periodically tinnitus.
I would appreciate it very much if anyone who notices I speak to loud, to tell me, I do not want to disturb or invasive or ...

- People have said that with some people I have been standing to close to them or I may have touched a shoulder. I am very very sorry if that gave anyone a bad feeling. Such is never my intention. Because of my bad hearing I might also stand closer to people.
I am pretty sensitive myself to this as well, and I always try to respect the personal space of others as I would love anyone at the conference to feel well.

About two years ago I was the subject of harassment myself, resulting in that I felt horrible for two weeks and couldn't do anything in the movement. Having it experienced myself, I am feeling horrible that I brought others in the situation that made them feel terrible.
It feels for me really bad with helping someone that it results in the other having an uncomfortable feeling.

Also during the day I walked in a room during a session to hand out, on request, something to the someone in the room, and left almost immediately. Some hours later I heard that one of the presenters in the room got stressed by my short presence in the room. I feel sorry if I may have disturbed this session in some way, and hope that the presenter will not hold a grudge. I am open for a conversation if needed.
Either way, this resulted in an official complaint on my address.

Because of these complaints, it was demanded to step down as a volunteer organiser for this year's Wikimania.

I am very sorry that it has influence on my support of this conference, but I will be around.

Kind regards,


KuboF Hromoslav (Michal Matúšov)

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