I know that there's a T-mobile plan: unlimited data service, unlimited international SMS, unlimited local calls. I bought this card in China and cost 555RMB a month, I do not know how much it costs in USD.

On Jun 17, 2012 5:13 AM, "Itzik Edri" <itzik@infra.co.il> wrote:

I looking for recommendations for SIM cards to use during Wikimania & to Nevada & California area (I'm staying a month).

Until now, the best that I found is AT&T Pay As You Go plans - need to purchase a cheap device (didn't found option just to purchase sim card) for about 25$, monthly plan will cost another 25$ and Data plan for 25$ (1GB, and I'm sure I'll need a much more :). What make the story quite expensive. 

Any others option that the local guys can recommend? 


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