Thanks Rachel! you are amazing.

Andrew Lih has just put a session on the Thursday unconference program for Wikiconference North America for this -- 1:30-3:30 on Thursday, in the Sheraton.

If you are registered for any preconference on Thursday and you want to join this session, drop on by! Speakers/mentors can self-organize with the etherpad, below.

I will try my best to join as well to give feedback on presentations but I know better than to promise to show up places when running wikimanias :)

On Mon, Aug 7, 2017 at 10:10 AM, Rachel Farrand <> wrote:
Just for fun, I made an etherpad for this. 
Sign up here if you volunteer to help someone else by listening to their presentation.
If you want help on your presentation, just contact someone on this list.  

On Sun, Aug 6, 2017 at 11:35 PM, Lodewijk <> wrote:

Are you volunteering? :)

On Aug 7, 2017 5:26 AM, "Samuel Klein" <> wrote:
I would welcome a pool for those who want 1-on-1s to match w someone like Lodewijk for a run through :)


On Aug 5, 2017 3:29 PM, "Lodewijk" <> wrote:
(PS: if anyone wants a dry-run of their presentation one-on-one, I'm more than happy to volunteer with 2-3 presenters, either on hangout (monday) or in real life (Wednesday). Reach out to me off-list. If there's more interest, I imagine we could do a pool somewhere on-wiki :) -- Lodewijk )

On Sat, Aug 5, 2017 at 9:25 PM, phoebe ayers <> wrote:
Thanks Lodewijk & Leila! All good tips. 

One more thing about posting information online is you can share extra data. I encourage everyone to put links etc in their program submission pages on wiki. 

In the actual presentation, you are trying to convey the main idea and, often at Wikimania, you're also trying to recruit other people to work on your project :) If there's detailed information that you want to share but would distract from the main presentation, putting it on the wiki is a good way to share. 


On Sat, Aug 5, 2017 at 3:18 PM, Lodewijk <> wrote:
Thanks for sharing! 

While some may be concerned that their vocabulary is too limited - the opposite warning must be provided for native speakers. It is often easier to follow a non-native speaker, because they are aware of their limitations. Especially native speakers have the tendency to speak too fast, push in too much content in their presentation and rush through it. Realize that about half your audience (if not more!) is unlikely to speak English as their first language. It sucks, right? Because you always want to tell more.

This also goes with the other tip that I hate: don't be too fancy with your slides. I love to put as little information on slides as possible, trying to make them complement my story. WRONG! With a large number of non-native speakers, it is important that the information is in both. Especially if you have an accent (and sorry native speakers: many of you do, too) you're probably hard to understand for some part of your audience, at some point in your presentation. Having the basic storyline in your sheets doesn't just help the people in the room, but also people who try to follow your presentation online. 

Finally: in an ideal world you upload your slides before your presentation. That way, you can add the link in your last (or first!) slide, so that people can download it, and read along at their own speed - or jot it down/photograph it for later reviewing. ESPECIALLY if you have lots of data/beautiful graphs!


PS: if you like to be rogue, you try to hit every single spot in 'bad presentation bingo' here.

On Sat, Aug 5, 2017 at 9:08 PM, Leila Zia <> wrote:
Hi Phoebe,

On Sat, Aug 5, 2017 at 11:01 AM, phoebe ayers <> wrote:
> Dear all,
> We had planned to have a presentation clinic for speakers at Wikimania, but
> unfortunately the leader had to cancel at the last moment. So
> instead...since I imagine lots of people are finishing their talks this
> weekend, let's share our best advice for giving a presentation with each
> other!

If someone else signing up to help you on this front can reduce some
workload from you, please ping me. I'd be happy to pick up work on
this front or others.

> More tips are here:
> information
> Add your own, or reply here.

Adding one more tip:

Context: I'm not a native English speaker which means my vocabulary
set is limited, I can make grammatical errors when speaking, and under
stress, I may say things that in sequence may not make sense in
English. ;)

The best advice for this case I've received from a professor some
years ago was to write down /everything/ I want to say about a slide
in the slide notes exactly how I wish I could say it at the
presentation time. Then, I read these notes 2-3 times, and then I do
2-3 runs of the presentation for myself. This approach has worked for
me quite well. Before doing this, I used to waste a lot of time (and I
guess annoy the audience) by saying "emmm" and looking for words in my
mind. On extra tip if you go with this approach: don't read your notes
too many times or you will sound like someone who has memorized a
script. ;)

Writing what you want to say will take time, it takes me between 45-60
min for 15 slides (that I've never presented before), but it's
honestly one of the best uses of that time if you're preparing for a

> see you very soon!

can't wait. :)


> Phoebe
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Rachel Farrand
Events Program Manager
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