I have just read through the long thread of replies and I am appalled that Romaine was asked to "step down" for safety concerns of an individual (or several individuals?) arising from his standing too close or speaking too loud or whatever. Is THIS really a behaviour that can put someone at risk? And if a risk has been identified out of such, may we please be informed by the SuSa team not of the details, but at least of the supposed risk? 

Romaine is the first person I ever met at my first Wikimania (Mexico City) and he is always on his feet all day doing a million different things to facilitate the event. He is sweet, helpful, with a great sense of humour and I can't imagine that anyone who has been to so much as a single Wikimania would think otherwise.  So, very plainly and openly, as we are accustomed in the open movement we so passionately follow, may we please have an explanation as to which "friendly space" code of conduct he has breached to deserve being asked to step down? And on top of that, being further stressed by the criticism that he has been e in ths thread? The only GOOD thing that I see as possibly resulting from this discussion was what Florence (if I recall correctly) suggested: a sticker indicating which people are offended by loud speaking and close proximity, so that,this doesn't happen again (a sticker which I will most certainly NOT be sporting on my badge)

Romaine, a big THANK YOU for all that you do for Wikimanias. I always look forward to "brushing shoulders" with you. A big warm hug from your Greek friend :)


On Fri, 20 Jul 2018, 18:21 Federico Leva (Nemo), <nemowiki@gmail.com> wrote:
Devouard (gmail), 20/07/2018 12:18:
> So, I am thinking that... whilst some of us put little stickers on our
> badges to indicate we do not want to be taken in picture, perhaps we
> need to consider also little stickers to put on our badges to indicate
> that we prefer "a certain physical distance" and warn others that we may
> be sensitive to closeness so they be aware it might be an issue ?

+1, this is a suggestion worth exploring (is there a feedback page
already on the wiki, where to add it?).

If you see a "fi-N" on someone's badge you may remember the advice
"Never hug, kiss or touch a Finn"
<http://www.ediplomat.com/np/cultural_etiquette/ce_fi.htm>, but not
everybody may be expected to walk around with a cultural etiquette
matrix for 200 cultures.

(At Wikimania I usually also wear Wikiquote and sister project stickers
and pins so that people are warned that, if they use language which
assumes "Wikipedia" or "English [Wikipedia]" or other discriminations of
some projects, I will definitely take offense and object to it.)


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