Dear all,


Here a short status report of the Swiss monuments lists:


1)      All the lists in German have been verified and can be considered complete.


2)      On French/Italian WP, there are some inconsistencies in the naming of the links (Project page vs. Wikipedia page). I have asked Emmanuel Engelhart to run a script that gets rid of these inconsistencies.


3)      Inclusion of Swiss monuments lists in the WLM monuments database: I’ve asked Alexander Wagner to take care of this. As a rule, all language versions will be read into the DB in parallel. In order to make the French and Italian section of the DB complete, Maarten Dammers suggested running a script that would automatically fill in the German monuments list data for municipalities that have no data in French or Italian respectively. That would allow French and Italian users to navigate through a complete set of data when using tools and apps, etc. (if no data is available in their language they would be served the data in German). As the database is updated every 24 hours, this setup allows for successive completion of the monuments lists in Italian and French.


4)      Missing IDs: Jean-Fredéric has written a script to substitute missing IDs. He will run the script when he is back from his China trip at the beginning of next week.


5)      Deployment of French and Italian monuments lists for the Romandie and Italian-speaking Switzerland: I’ve completed the necessary look-up tables and sent instructions to Jean-Fred with regard to writing a script that deploys the French lists automatically. He will start working on that next week. Italian will be very similar. We’ll work on the Italian lists as soon as the script for the French lists has been debugged. – This should all be feasible by the end of the month; but don’t expect much leeway.


6)      Navigation templates: I would suggest that we create the navigation templates by hand. That’s probably quicker than creating them by script. We just need to copy paste from example pages and the templates in German and run a few find-and-replace in Word in between.

@Mourad / Iolanda: it would be great if you could help with this. The templates that still need to be created have red links:


The overview page of the templates for the different districts can be found here:



Please let me know if you have any questions regarding the monuments lists.


Kind regards,






Beat Estermann
Research Associate

Bern University of Applied Sciences
E-Government Institute
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