1. There's some color coding to distinguish the plenary sessions, and another used to distinguish the mostly Hebrew track of Wikimedia Academy (on Thursday).
2. That's meant to be so, in order to leave the Wikimedia Academy on the leftmost column, even though it's hosted in the second-largest hall (Cinematheque).
3. All plenary sessions are in the Rapaport Hall (some of them used to be planned for the Main Auditorium, but we decided we don't need it at all).

Harel Cain
Wikimania 2011 local team

On Thu, Jul 21, 2011 at 18:28, Deryck Chan <deryckchan@gmail.com> wrote:

A few questions about the schedule: (I asked on Talk:Schedule but didn't get a reply)

1. The programme seems to be colour-coded but there isn't a legend. What does each colour (orange vs. grey) mean?

2. Two of the venues swap columns halfway down the programme. I recommend that they be "unswapped" to reduce confusion.

3. Some items (mainly those that span multiple columns) do not state a venue. Can the venues of each of those items be specified please?


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