Hi Ellie, 

I guess there is a typo in your email. The email address should be wikimaniascholarships@wikimedia.org if I am correct. Got a mail delivery failure message for the one you have provided :)

On 06-Aug-2017 11:35 PM, "Ellie Young" <eyoung@wikimedia.org> wrote:
Am just double checking to make sure that everyone who is a WMF scholarship recipient received the email on August 2 from wikimaniascholarships@wikimania.org with the information about Travel Packet, Accommodation, and insurance.  Please email this address if you did not receive it or have any last minute changes/issues that are non-travel (the information about what to do if you have travel delays is in that packet/email.)

Looking forward to seeing you all soon here in beautiful Montréal.


Ellie Young
Events Manager
Wikimedia Foundation

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