Lodewijk and Marc -

Others might express their own needs but having open spaces like you described would satisfy me. If this has happened in previous years then I was less conscious of it when I was enjoying them, and more conscious of it when I felt its absence.

thanks -

On Thu, Jul 7, 2016 at 9:23 AM, Marc-Andre <marc@uberbox.org> wrote:

On 2016-07-07 08:27 AM, Lane Rasberry wrote:
Backing up - one way to improve Wikimania to meet this and other demands is to
1. Have extra spaces for small meetups
2. Put those spaces on a public schedule which can be edited by the community

So, in practice, that already exists for Montreal in two flavours:

(a) Bird-of-a-Feather sessions, which are open to anyone to schedule (in advance) and have reserved meeting space.  Those will be open for reservation from about three months before the event to as late as we can make it and still have them appear in the programme. Those are ideal for preplanned meetings and probably what you'd use for the North American meetups.

(b) Unconferency meetups, that are *not* scheduled in advance, but for which both meeting space and a common scheduling system (think "whiteboard") are made available for ad-hoc meetings during the conference and preconference.  Any room which had been set aside for the BoF that was not used will be added to the pool, but there /will/ be meeting space even if all of the BoF slots are taken.

-- Coren / Marc

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Lane Rasberry
user:bluerasberry on Wikipedia