On Wed, Aug 13, 2014 at 10:18 AM, Matthias Süßen <info@pixelfehler.de> wrote:
 It would imho also be an excellent idea if there were events like

-how to take cheap images with a quality camera erm - I mean, how to take quality images with a cheap camera.
-How to adopt a foreign country
-Creating a bot for dummies
-my first edit in Wikipedia ever. How people come to Wikipedia and why they stay.
Workshops for Wikipedia editors, photographers, cartographers, illustrators and so on to mention only a few. 

Many people I spoke with demonstrated great enthusiasm, but they had the same questions as I. What do you think?

I like the idea of offering more workshops/spaces where people can teach and learn new skills; the workshops I know of (how to make video, etc) got good reviews. (We could also expand the definition of workshop to include "content hackathons" of various sorts -- there was one for wikidata this year that I wanted to go to but couldn't).

Since it's most useful to offer workshops that attendees are interested in,  maybe we should have a brainstorming area in the program planning pages to see what workshops people are interesting in offering and what workshops people are interested in taking. These would not have to be major productions... I think like Manuel says some of the most effective sessions are informal, small group meetups.

For instance, I would be interested in taking a workshop on how to effectively contribute to Wikisource or Wikibooks. I could offer a workshop on doing good referencing and tips/techniques for finding sources.
