In fact, it would be really interesting to see just how many people from the Arab Middle East attended any previous Wikimania. For 2008, please check how many attendees came from countries that were not Egypt.

I attended Wikimania in 2007 (Taipei) and 2010 (Gdansk) and I recall just a handful of attendees from Arab countries in each.

I think those numbers will be teaching, and will put this discussion in the true perspective it deserves.

Harel Cain
Wikimania 2011 local team

On Tue, Jul 19, 2011 at 22:31, Harel Cain <> wrote:
As to whether this is correct or not, we'll know in a couple of weeks. I think it's not 100% correct (read my previous mails, and some things still brewing too), and I think it's mainly unfair to us organizers.

You could have drawn the same drawing for previous years and the Middle East part would not look much different at all.

Harel Cain
Wikimania 2011 local team

On Tue, Jul 19, 2011 at 21:22, Kim Bruning <> wrote:
On Tue, Jul 19, 2011 at 07:55:51PM +0200, Kim Bruning wrote:
> place_of_residence=
>       (world AND NOT middle_east)
> OR    (israel AND NOT (west_bank OR gaza))

For people who have trouble deciphering SQL-ish language
small letters = sets
AND = Intersection
OR = Union
AND NOT=Intersection

For people who Just Need A Picture, you can also express this as a venn-like

is this indeed correct?

       Kim Bruning

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