Although I should be fascinated by all the details of canadian-US relations, I guess it can be safely concluded that getting only a Canadian visa to enter the US is not an option. 


No dia 24 de Novembro de 2011 10:12, Ray Saintonge <> escreveu:
On 11/02/11 9:31 AM, James Hare wrote:
> Yep. Generally speaking, it is easiest for Canadians (i.e. bearers of
> Canadian passports) to enter the United States. The only thing easier
> is if you're a U.S. citizen or permanent resident returning to the
> U.S. It's a more relaxed system because people in border communities
> (for example: Detroit, Michigan and Windsor, Ontario) tend to cross
> the border frequently. Migration between the U.S. and Canada is
> governed by the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative, which allows
> several different kinds of documentation instead of a passport:
> <>.
> For what it's worth, though, it isn't like the old days where a birth
> certificate or voter registration would have been enough.
Technically a US citizen visiting Canada still needs a passport to
re-enter the US.  Proving one is a US citizen could be difficult
otherwise. I can't say how much this has really been a problem on the
practical level.


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