(Not directed at Beria or anyone else, just an observation)

We should go where there is a local community that can put together a Wikimania, where the local infrastructure is suitable, where there are venues and accommodation of a decent standard, and where as many of our community as possible can get to with the least hassle and expense, where the members of our community will be welcomed (including, for example, openly LGBT people and those with disabilities), and where the atmosphere is politically stable. 

Unfortunately, that's going to exclude a lot of places, and it does carry a certain bias towards major cities in Western countries, but we should not fall into the trap of putting Wikimania in a certain place for the sake of political correctness.
Phone: +44 (0) 7507 536971
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From: Béria Lima <berialima@gmail.com>
To: Wikimania general list (open subscription) <wikimania-l@lists.wikimedia.org>
Sent: Monday, 5 October 2015, 15:31
Subject: Re: [Wikimania-l] Coming up with a new process for Wikimania selection

​015-10-04 18:41 GMT-03:00 Osmar Valdebenito <b1mbo.wikipedia@gmail.com>:
I'm simply baffled in the way the Committee has just decided to explicitly reduce the participation from the so-called Global South, specially when we are supposed to promote the communities in those countries. (...) Considering this rotation system, one of 21 countries from Latin America will only have an opportunity to host in 2035, while the US will have the opportunity 7 times in the same timespan. Absurd.

​Let's even forget for a second that ​Latin America, Asia and Africa will only host one Wikimania once or twice each in 2 decades. The committee also forgot that in the other 10-12 Wikimanias pretty much no one from those regions will be able to attend without a Scholarship. Right now the rate exchange to USD and EUR to BRL (my currency and one of the strongest of Latin America) is - respectively - 4 BRL to USD and 5 BRL to EUR. Which makes a coffee in Paris as expensive as a dress in São Paulo.

And besides the costs, lets remember who gets rejected the most to enter Europe and USA in any kind of visa (I'm a "white" latina and was held in an European Airport - twice. I can't even imagine how it is for Africans or Indians). So that decision basically solidified the fact that for now on, US and Europe and not only the hosts of pretty much all wikimanias, they are also almost all of the attendees. 

Seriously, the committee couldn't do a better job in excluding the Global South. ​
Béria L
​. de Rodríguez

Imagine um mundo onde é dada a qualquer pessoa a possibilidade de ter livre acesso ao somatório de todo o conhecimento humano. Ajude-nos a construir esse sonho.

015-10-04 18:41 GMT-03:00 Osmar Valdebenito <b1mbo.wikipedia@gmail.com>:

I'm simply baffled in the way the Committee has just decided to explicitly reduce the participation from the so-called Global South, specially when we are supposed to promote the communities in those countries. Although I agree and understand that places with bigger communities should host Wikimania more often, the decided rotation is more unbalanced that in the past. Since 2009, Wikimania has rotated between the Global North and the Global South each year; now, the Global North will have 2 Wikimanias for each one hosted in the Global South (and I'm not considering the case of developed countries -such as Poland or Australia- hosting those years with the weird classification others have pointed out).

Considering this rotation system, one of 21 countries from Latin America will only have an opportunity to host in 2035, while the US will have the opportunity 7 times in the same timespan. Absurd.

2015-10-04 18:01 GMT-03:00 aude <aude.wiki@gmail.com>:

On Oct 4, 2015 8:10 PM, "James Forrester" <jdforrester@gmail.com> wrote:
> All,
> TL;DR: The Wikimania Committee and the WMF Community Engagement department will be working on coming up with a new process for venues for future Wikimanias, which we will be seeking input from the community in the next few months
> ------
> At the Committee’s meeting in Mexico City in August, we agreed to alter the way that Wikimania locations are decided.
> The existing bidding process has developed over time. It has become unwieldy and hard work for the community and staff. It demands that people pour a huge amount of effort into building local teams, contracts and institutional relationships only for rejected bids' work to be left unused. A lot of pressure is put on volunteers to try to work on logistics rather than dream about what would make a great programme for our communities. Each year, the jury has to decide on a venue based on what is presented by each group divisively, rather than what we as a community could come together and build.
> The process is too short-term, setting out venue much less than two years ahead (often only just more than twelve months in advance). This greatly increases expenses when other similar conferences plan locations out many years ahead. This makes it impossible for us to be strategic about location, prevents us from arranging co-location with like-minded conferences, and it means that some areas of the world are ignored when they could provide great Wikimanias.
> Consequently, from now on the Committee will pick an area for Wikimania four to five years in advance, from the following (provisional) list.   The years in which we have already held Wikimanias in these areas are shown in parentheses
> * Western, Northern, and Southern Europe (2005, 2014)
> * Canada and United States (2006, 2012)
> * Asia-Pacific (2007, 2013)
> * Middle East and North Africa (2008, 2011)
> * Latin America (2009, 2015)
> * Eastern Europe, Russia, and Central Asia (2010)
> * South Asia (none yet)
> * Sub-Saharan Africa (none yet)
> * Oceania (none yet)
> The Committee intends to deliberately rotate between these areas to make sure we allow as many community members to attend as cheaply as possible.
> The large majority of our community members are based in either North America or Europe; organising Wikimanias in these areas allows the majority of our community members to attend cheaply, so that money spent on scholarships can go further, and be more focussed in supporting our community members wherever they are based.
> Locating Wikimania in other continents does not assure that participants from these areas  can attend more cheaply. Nevertheless, to support the movement worldwide, we do want to ensure that, every third year, Wikimania will take place neither in Europe nor North America.
> We  propose that a sequence of "Western, Northern, and Southern Europe", "Canada and United States", and one of the others every three years, picked out several years into the future.
I am not convinced this is a good idea, given this definition of regions.
Eastern Europe should definitely be considered along with western, southern, ...  It is pretty cheap to travel there from elsewhere in europe, probably venue + accommodations are cheaper, and most important we have significant communities there with track record of organising regional conferences.
I would also be tempted to include north Africa and middle east with europe. (after all, the next European hackathon is being held in Israel)
I also think having wikimania in Canada + US every three years is too often. The visa process for the US is hugely annoying, difficult and results in excluding attendees.
Also, while great and important to have wmf support for wikimania, imho it is important that ultimate leadership for wikimania each year is from volunteers. I am not sure the volunteer community in the US + Canada has this capacity to be lead organizer every three years. Maybe once every four years is reasonable, imho.
Also, stuff like accommodations tends to be a bit expensive in the US compared to elsewhere, and flights within north America (especially Canada) are also somewhat pricey in my experience.
Beyond the first two areas, we may not visit some as often as others. (I have not listed Antarctica as an area to which we will rotate, which may well be a disappointment to members of the British Antarctic Survey and others in that location.)
> More widely, we would like to encourage Wikimedia conferences as open, engaging and fun community meetups, alongside the annual Wikimania conference. I know that several chapters run country-specific conferences each year, which is a good move. I think that there should be at least one annual Wikimedia conference in each of these areas. This would help newer editors know that there are people like them nearby without requiring the existence of, or putting too great a demand on, every national chapter or other local affiliated body. In some areas like Africa where the distances are great, multiple regional conferences may make sense.
> As part of the new system of location selection, we will no longer have a 'bidding' process. Instead, the Committee invites people interested in leading or helping to run a Wikimania to contact us on-wiki, or via the wikimania-l list. If you think that you know a great team, venue or concept for holding Wikimania, in your area or anywhere else, please discuss the possibilities with us. We will work with interested community members to narrow down the selection to a particular venue.
> Our next few locations will thus go like this:
> * 2016: Western, Northern, and Southern Europe – Esino Lario in Italy
> * 2017: Canada and United States – TBD
> * 2018: TBD – TBD
> * 2019: Western, Northern, and Southern Europe – TBD
> * 2020: Canada and United States – TBD
> * 2021: TBD – TBD
> As you can see, as well as picking the 2017 venue in Canada or the United States, for which we have a candidate lined up, we need to select very quickly the area for 2018, and after that, 2019 and beyond. There are several areas we’ve outlined above that have never had a Wikimania, and others where we have not visited for some time. We would love your thoughts on the areas on which we should focus for 2018 and beyond. We’ll also be asking in future for your thoughts about how to structure the programme of each Wikimania to make it as good as it can be for you, for others, and for our community overall.
> Thank you.
> Yours,
> --
> James D. Forrester
> Chair, Wikimania Committee
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