On Jul 13, 2012 9:32 PM, "Federico Leva (Nemo)" <nemowiki@gmail.com> wrote:
> Videos on YouTube have been uploaded soon, but the full coverage only two months ago, not before making a WMF server crash to convert them.

That's right, I started the conversion job on Friday, and when I came back on Monday the server had died and had to be powercycled.

A large part of the delay was in getting the videos to us: IIRC, we received the Big External HD With Videos in January or February, on the wrong side of the country (SF instead of Virginia). The rest of the delay was in setting up a conversion server, a few technical issues with it, and people (mostly me) doing this work on the side and getting bogged down with their "actual" work. Me moving halfway across the world didn't help either.

So all in all there were long delays on the organization side and on the Foundation side. I apologize for the delays caused on the WMF side, and I want to give a shout-out to Tomasz Kozłowski (User:Odder), the awesome volunteer who helped me transcode the videos, checked my work, and provided file descriptions and better file names for the videos. Thanks Tomasz!

As for 2012 and beyond, I'll send an e-mail to the organizers soon with guidelines for getting the videos to us in a way that's useful to us; a lot of the WMF-side delay was because the data we got wasn't as useful as it should have been, so we probably didn't xommunicate what we needed well enough. I'll try to publish that information on meta as well where possible (I may not be allowed to publish things like addresses).
