Hello everyone,
I hope everyone is very much enjoying WLM 2021: as some of the national competitions have ended last week, others are only starting. Together we have already received over 141.000 images this year https://wikiloves.toolforge.org/monuments/2021. Thank you all for accomplishing this!
Quite a few national campaigns will be using the Montage tool https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Commons:Montage to help our juries make their choice for the winning pictures, and the top 10 that will be sent to the international jury. Because of an update to the cloud services, some errors were being reported over the weekend in the SSL connection to the tool. This is not only affecting Montage, but several tools that are being hosted in the Wikimedia Cloud, and therefore on Toolforge like Montage. Wikimedia developers are working on this, and if you would like to follow this process, please subscribe to this ticket on Phabricator https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T291387. For Montage status updates only ('is it just me, or...'), you can check the Montage status page on Commons https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Commons:Montage/Status. Our Montage developers have created a temporary fix for the Montage tool for now, and I will be creating the on Commons requested campaigns today. Campaigns should be working again now without the SSL errors: please let me know if you are still having problems. If you would like to use the tool for judging the photos in your national WLM, you can request a campaign on the tools' talkpage on Commons https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Commons_talk:Montage.
You will have time until the 30st November 2021 to send in your top 10, and I'm looking forward to seeing all the beautiful pictures soon!
Vriendelijke groet, Ciell (WLM Int team)