On Tue, Sep 11, 2012 at 2:06 PM, Cristian Consonni <kikkocristian@gmail.com> wrote:

I can answer my own question, I have just installed the last update of
the app and everything is working perfectly.

Yay! :D 

While I encourage everyone to update the WLM app (consider enabling automatic updates), you should see the updated Italian region names without an update (as those are provided to the app via API requests).
Just a couple of questions for two minor bugs:
* while browsing monuments list in italian it always says "Scegli la
regione" instead of "Scegli la regione" then "Scegli la provincia" and
finally "Scegli il comune" in other word it always using "regione" as
the administrative division name. Is this a translation bug or another
type of bug?
* The other thing is provinces are indicated with the name of
chef-lieu (e.g. "Milano", "Bergamo", "Firenze") and that's perfect but
provinces with composite names (e.g. "Provincia di Monza e della
Brianza" or "Pronvicia di Forlì-Cesena") are displayed with the full
name (i.e. with "provincia di ..." at the beginning). This is fine,
but it ruins the alphabetical order, how can I fix that?.

This is a by-product of how we're generating translated region names, which I recently described in a previous thread on this list (http://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/wikilovesmonuments/2012-September/004409.html). Because of our approach, translated region names are far from perfect, but as I mentioned in the previous email, we can override the names that we display to the users. Feel free to either fork the code in github and submit some changes, or file a bug and include a mapping of ISO-3166-2 region codes to the translated names, and we can add it.

Arthur Richards
Software Engineer, Mobile
IRC: awjr
+1-415-839-6885 x6687