2012/4/26 elya <ew_wp@web.de>

returning to the mobile app discussion, I'd like to share some
ideas/perspectives and receive your opinions about those.

Timewise, we will need to concentrate on one OS - Android or iOS. One
more or less simple option would be modifying the Upload Wizard for
mobile use - which would exclude iOS at the moment for technical reasons.

Another approach would be a native app either for Android OR iOS (in our

* which one would be the preferred platform for us? 
* What are the market shares in your country/region?
It's difficult to find reliable recent smartphone market share studies for France, but it looks like Android-phones are now more popular than iPhones, thanks to Free Mobile. Per Wikipedia, Android is also the most popular worldwide.
* Which other arguments for one or another platform are helpful - i.e.
camera quality or online involvement of target group for either OS?
Camera quality is good (for a smartphone) on iPhone, and ranges from very poor to really good on 'Droid phones. I don't have stats about online involvment of Apple fanboys vs Google maniacs, but I guess both have very active fansites which could relay the announcements...

I agree with Andrea's point regarding the openness of Android.

Best regards,

Sylvain Boissel
Chargé de mission communauté et technologie de Wikimédia France
tél - email sylvain.boissel@wikimedia.fr - twitter @sboissel

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