I think that the idea of Tomasz could work very well. Now the questions, could be added this button?, could be adapted the WLMPT's tool for other countries?.


2011/7/17 Tomasz Ganicz <polimerek@gmail.com>
2011/7/17 Lodewijk <lodewijk@effeietsanders.org>:
> Would it make more sense to add an /easy/ way for people to fix/change
> coordinates directly into the database/wiki by for example clicking on a
> map? I think the tool wmpt offers is close to that. That way we can seperate
> the two problems (form and coordinates), and we dont have to include all
> additional options on the form.
> Please remember that the reason we want a custom upload interface is that we
> want to limit the number of fields drastically.
> Lodewijk

Maybe the good idea would be to add a optional button to the WLM
commons template called "geolocate the monument" leading to the page
where we kindly ask for geolocation + explanation how to do it. Then
the user will see it after uploading the picture and can do it if
he/she wants. The template can check if the monument is acutally
geolocated and if not show this button.
