Just in case it helps I've learnt my way through Open Refine with this quite nice workshop by Sandra Fauconier - https://youtu.be/VOO8IS73Cq0?t=19458
It's not advanced level, but I found it quite good to start.


Nicolas VIGNERON <vigneron.nicolas@gmail.com> escreveu no dia terça, 3/09/2019 à(s) 14:06:
Yes, in fact, OpenRefine is the perfect tool for completing existing list!

If you don't know this tool yet, you can take a look at https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Tools/OpenRefine or this very good short but complete video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wfS1qTKFQoI


Le mar. 3 sept. 2019 à 14:50, Neville Borg <neville.borg@wikimalta.org> a écrit :
Hi Paulo,

I don't want to derail the discussion, but does this also apply when you want to add monuments to your existing list?

We've just received a list of protected monuments that we want to add to our current list of monuments (there might be overlaps between the two, so we'd have to filter these out), but we're unsure as to how to do it.

Wiki Loves Monuments mailing list