Hi Joan,

Op 13-3-2011 11:44, Joan Creus schreef:
Give me all the monuments within 10km of my home which don't
have a photo yet.
I was precisely working on that :). Let's better not duplicate work; and divide work. I can program in Python. But my program only works for Catalan monuments, since I have my own way of accessing them. It's not easy to export. IMHO, we should create a database (for example, in a XML way) common to all countries with WLM. Everyone could therefore develop their own tools and could be used anywhere. Shall we work on that? Maybe KML files would work... I don't know.
We already have a database common to all countries, see http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Commons:Wiki_Loves_Monuments_2011/Monuments_database


Joan Creus.