Hi Ilario,

I'm not entirely sure what you're meaning. The whole point of the e-mail requirement (we never said they had to be identified *by an email*) was that we are able to contact them. Turning their email functionality on at Wikimedia Commons and/or Flickr would be sufficient. Since 123POI is basically a similar platform as Flickr, it would be just as fine to confirm your email address there. The reason of this rule wasn't to exclude people, but to put the burden of providing contact information on the participant - so that if they have turned email off - we can simply ignore them if we want. 


2012/10/3 Ilario Valdelli <valdelli@gmail.com>
On 02.10.2012 20:58, Raimond Spekking wrote:
I have asked the 123POI developers about these partial uploads mid
September. Sadly the fault occurs when sending to the 123POI servers :-(
No chance to restore them


Unfortunately the national contest says that the photos must be in high resolution and the user should be identified by an email.

So I suppose that the photos coming from this project should be considered out of the limits of the contest.

Ilario Valdelli
Wikimedia CH
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