On Fri, Apr 27, 2012 at 1:56 PM, Lars Aronsson <lars@aronsson.se> wrote:
Here is an idea for the future, perhaps for WLM 2013.

I just finished scanning a set of 5 books, being a description of
Denmark's towns, counties and villages, by Jens Peter Trap,
printed 1898-1906. It is full of woodcut illustrations of what
Denmark looked like a century ago.

On May 9th, we have a photo session* in the Antiquarian-Topographic Archive** of the Danish National Museum - and they may very well have pictures of the places that you mention - for comparison and to complete our collection.

*) http://da.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portal:Wikipedia_Loves_Nationalmuseet/Projekter/Residerende_wikipedianer/fotosession_9._maj
**) http://natmus.dk/salg-og-ydelser/museumsfaglige-ydelser/biblioteker-og-arkiver/antikvarisk-topografisk-arkiv/


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