
On Mon, Sep 3, 2012 at 8:32 PM, Lodewijk <lodewijk@effeietsanders.org> wrote:
Like I said: that is very situation specific, and up to the jury to decide. 
Sometimes, unknowingly, watermarks like time stamps are default in Camera, and the uploader may choose to upload the cropped version. This issue is situational and all should not be ignored. 


2012/9/3 Paul Selitskas <p.selitskas@gmail.com>
On Mon, Sep 3, 2012 at 5:52 PM, Lodewijk <lodewijk@effeietsanders.org> wrote:
> Hi Paul,
> An edited version wouldn't be your own work fully, so wouldn't fit the
> contest rules.

What then? Should the photo be rejected at all?

Oh, by the way, what if the uploader fixes the photo by themselves?
Will it yet fit the rules?

> Best,
> Lodewijk
> 2012/9/3 Paul Selitskas <p.selitskas@gmail.com>
>> One of Belarusian contestants addressed me a mail with a question: may
>> they reupload the same photo with a better quality and what
>> consequences will it have concerning WLM.
>> So, may the participant replace the file uploaded for WLM with the
>> same file of better quality? Will the new file be treated the same as
>> if it was uploaded at the first place?
>> Besides this, I have a question of my own. Let's say, someone
>> submitted a photo for the contest. Then a random Wikimedian uses it in
>> an article. Then he wants to fix it (colors, perspective, whatever)
>> and actually he does it by replacing the original file with a new
>> fixed version of it. What next? Should the jury examine the original
>> version, or the fixed one? If the photo wins, who takes the prize? And
>> so on.
>> --
>> З павагай,
>> Павел Селіцкас/Paul Selitskas
>> Wizardist @ Wikimedia projects
>> p.selitskas@gmail.com, +375257408304
>> Skype: p.selitskas
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Павел Селіцкас/Paul Selitskas
Wizardist @ Wikimedia projects
p.selitskas@gmail.com, +375257408304
Skype: p.selitskas

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Thanks and regards,
Karthik Nadar.