2016-09-08 14:45 GMT+02:00 Alexander Tsirlin <altsirlin@gmail.com>:

Dear Nahid,

I'm sure you've put numerous effort and hard works on the WLM but calling other community members "freaks and assholes" just because they disagree with you is not a good idea.  And certainly not a polite way to approach others. 

Sorry, but I have no other words for people who systematically undermine our work and spread lies about us and our activities.

This kind of langage is not acceptable, nor on Commons, nor on this list. Please stop using it right now, you not helping yourself.

Deletion requests are usual on Commons, WLM depend on Commons, so deletion of WLM files are to be expected (in France, the WLM team even create the deletion request themselves).
For this particular request, it's a bit messy but it seems totally legit to me and I don't see the problem who lead you to write this mail. The files are not deleted yet, you could still move them to local projects  (and even if they were deleted, a Commons sysop can still transfer the files to local projects).

I'm very surprised to hear that you don't have Commons users to help you, how and why is that? (for WLM France, except for WMfr staff, nearly all members of the team are Commons users or Commons sysop; is this unusual?).

Cdlt, ~nicolas