Hello Lodewijk,

Url for the Belgian mailing list: http://lists.wmnederland.nl/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/wlm-be

The biggest need would be later on that someone/some users will make this competition known to the media in Luxembourg. We have spoken the possibility of letting Luxembourg be part of the Belgium WLM and only got positive reactions. Also on lb-wiki it is said that they would like to join / be part of another country's WLM competition. I wrote a message to them, but received no reply yet. I will write to some users personally to ask if they want to help out. With all the respect I wish they will reply, but as they expressed earlier and concerning the positive reactions of core organizing users of WLM Belgium, I think we should consider that Luxembourg will be part of the contest organized in Belgium.

Our current activities are:
- Organizing prices
- Organizing jury
- Creating website
- Preparing lists, especially those for Wallonie on nl-wiki, and on fr-wiki?

We also think about the media attention we would like to accomplish. This has to be done in Flanders in Dutch. In Brussels in Dutch and French to local papers/media. In Wallonie in French and considering the German speaking parts of Belgium in German too. And in Luxembourg in German and French. My German and French are too worse to write a professional message for the media, I hope other users can help us out with getting messages send to the media in Dutch, French and German in both countries?

The projectpage on nl-wiki for WLM be is: http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Wikiproject/Erfgoed/Belgische_Erfgoed_Inventarisatie

Greetings - Romaine

--- On Thu, 7/21/11, Lodewijk <lodewijk@effeietsanders.org> wrote:

From: Lodewijk <lodewijk@effeietsanders.org>
Subject: Re: [Wiki Loves Monuments] Wiki Loves Monuments in Belgium and Luxemburg
To: "Wiki Loves Monuments Photograph Competition" <wikilovesmonuments@lists.wikimedia.org>
Date: Thursday, July 21, 2011, 9:56 AM

Just to be sure: everybody is aware of wlm-be@lists.wmnederland.nl ? That is a list dedicated to organizing Wiki Loves Monuments in Belgium (and Luxembourg?). 

Romaine, does this require further discussion (for example, with other WLM-be volunteers), or should I consider this as definite? 


2011/7/21 Benoît Evellin <benoit.evellin@wikimedia.fr>

About the Brussels and Wallonian heritage institutions, I don't know
if there is something. Belgian guys may have some information about
it, I'll ask them.

For the French part, there is already a page :
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monument_historique. I'll try to add more
information about the history but I have few of time. The page in
French is pretty complete : if you translate it, it will be easier for
me to correct it.

For the European Heritage Days in France, I think the website will
come. It was online before summer, with the old version. If you need
any more information about France, please ask me.


2011/7/21 Jane Darnell <jane023@gmail.com>:
> Benoît,
> That would be wonderful, and if you have any more info on the Brussels and
> Wallonian heritage institutions in the fr wiki, let me know and I will
> translate those in the en wiki also.
> I am also missing a wiki page on the organization for protection of French
> monuments, and the organization of the European Heritage Days in France
> seems to have a problem with their website:
> http://www.journeesdupatrimoine.culture.fr
> If you have any info on them that I could use in a wiki page, that would be
> great!
> Jane
> 2011/7/21 Benoît Evellin <benoit.evellin@wikimedia.fr>
>> Great !
>> I'll try to put it on fr-wp too.
>> Benoît
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Benoît Evellin
Membre de Wikimédia France

Wiki Loves Monuments mailing list

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