Hi everyone!
At the moment we are working on a collaboration with the Wikimedia
Foundation to get some goodies and merchandise internationally produced.
The production of larger amounts is cheaper then small amounts and
would be available for all participating countries. We are looking into
getting pens, buttons, stickers and maybe t-shirts: off course it will
be up to you what you would like to order for you specific country.
The costs would be limited to production costs: the WMF likes to support WLM, by taking care of the shipping costs.
In order for us (Barbara Fischer and me) to contact the person(s) of the
organizing chapters directly about this, please make sure you're contact
information on
Commons is up to date.
The countries that have not yet provided their full contact information (please add an individual contact for communication purposes) are:
* Andorra
* Armenia
* Austria
* Belgium & Luxembourg
* Bolivia
* Canada
* Colombia
* Czeck Republic
* Germany
* India
* Israel
* Kazakhstan
* Mexico
* Netherlands
* Norway
* Portugal
* Romania
* Russia
* Serbia
* Slovenia
* Switzerland
* Ukraine
* United Kingdom (?)
* Venezuela
Vriendelijke groet,
Cyriel Brusse - Wikimedia Nederland