Hey all,

South Africa is ready to participate! We found a team here that will help, an organisation that will help us (Wikiafrica: Isla), the governmental agencies are willing to help us, the biggest news agency is waiting for our press releases, ....

We do have some troubles:
  1. an old and difficult monument database, lots of errors, only partially tagged with GPS or even the address. Difficult identifier (something like 302-392-239392-32, impossible to use)
  2. no processing of the lists yet
  3. mobile upload. South Africans live with their cellphone, would open up opportunities having a "WLM-app"
  4. the current monuments are targetted on the "Afrikaans" culture. We want to open the monument to the "previouly disadvantaged people", so we will allow for uploads of things that have not been declared as a monument yet. The uploader will have the opportunity to add some reasons why we should consider this important. This information will be shared with government
  5. ...

But we're working on it!

