Hi all,

almost half a year ago we asked for access to the jury tool code. We'd like to know what the status of this work is.

Best regards

  // M.A. Monjas (WM-ES)

On Thu, Oct 15, 2015 at 3:02 PM, ecemaml @ es.wikipedia <ecemaml@gmail.com> wrote:
Thanks Ilya, we'd be glad to help. We're looking forward to reuse the code and enhance it. Keep us informed, please.

Best regards

  // M.A.

On Thu, Oct 15, 2015 at 2:51 PM, Ilya Korniyko <intracer@gmail.com> wrote:
The is no intention to make it closed source and I'm really glad that people want to improve it.

It's just the tool was largely written very fast in short periods before contests so I want to  fix some bugs, refactor code to be more understandable and maintainable first.


On Thu, Oct 15, 2015 at 3:43 PM, ecemaml @ es.wikipedia <ecemaml@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi all,

From WM-ES (and I guess that from many other chapters) we'd like to customize the tool and include new options and workflows. I assume that Ilya could develop them also but the open source model is definitelly more flexible and creates much more synergies that a purely closed model.

Is that possible to open source the code and let other chapters to enhance and customize the tool. Enhancements could be added to the main branch and thus the result would be even better.


Best regards

  // M.A.

Miguel-Ángel Monjas
Discasto (formerly ecemaml) at Wikimedia projects: eswiki, cawiki, commons, wikidata, meta...
Discasto at wikiexilio.org

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Miguel-Ángel Monjas
Discasto (formerly ecemaml) at Wikimedia projects: eswiki, cawiki, commons, wikidata, meta...
Discasto at wikiexilio.org

Miguel-Ángel Monjas
Discasto (formerly ecemaml) at Wikimedia projects: eswiki, cawiki, commons, wikidata, meta...
Discasto at wikiexilio.org
WM-ES member