Hi everyone,

in addition to this email on the mailinglist I have been emailing individually every one we do have on our list to ask for detailed shipping adresses. Please do make sure that the information is provided in time (by the 8th of August). If You want to make sure that, the post mail address is communicated safely please answer to barbara.fischer@wikimedia.de and not on this list.

The data need is


Name of person in charge

Street and House number or PO box 

Zip Code

Town - Country - State

To be able to order the T-Shirts please make sure that we learn how many t_shirts you will need and the sizes in amounts you will prefer.

best regards

2012/7/18 Cyriel Brusse <cyriel@wmnederland.nl>
Hi everyone!

At the moment we are working on a collaboration with the Wikimedia Foundation to get some goodies and merchandise internationally produced. The production of larger amounts is cheaper then small amounts and would be available for all participating countries. We are looking into getting pens, buttons, stickers and maybe t-shirts: off course it will be up to you what you would like to order for you specific country.
The costs would be limited to production costs: the WMF likes to support WLM, by taking care of the shipping costs.

In order for us (Barbara Fischer and me) to contact the person(s) of the organizing chapters directly about this, please make sure you're contact information on Commons is up to date.

The countries that have not yet provided their full contact information (please add an individual contact for communication purposes) are:
* Andorra
* Armenia
* Austria
* Belgium & Luxembourg
* Bolivia
* Canada
* Colombia
* Czeck Republic
* Germany
* India
* Israel
* Kazakhstan
* Mexico
* Netherlands
* Norway
* Portugal
* Romania
* Russia
* Serbia
* Slovenia
* Switzerland
* Ukraine
* United Kingdom (?)
* Venezuela

Vriendelijke groet,
Cyriel Brusse - Wikimedia Nederland

Wiki Loves Monuments mailing list

Barbara Fischer
Kuratorin für Kulturpartnerschaften

Wikimedia Deutschland e.V. | NEU: Obentrautstr. 72 | 10963 Berlin
Tel. (030) 219 158 26-0


Wikimedia Deutschland - Gesellschaft zur Förderung Freien Wissens e.V. Eingetragen im Vereinsregister des Amtsgerichts Berlin-Charlottenburg unter der Nummer 23855 B. Als gemeinnützig anerkannt durch das Finanzamt für Körperschaften I Berlin, Steuernummer 27/681/51985.