Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2012 18:47:11 +0200
Subject: Re: [Wiki Loves Monuments] jury process - easy and neat?
Hi Katie,
I'm particularly referring to the national processes here. I saw someone mention that India might get 100.000 images... (worst case?) and that got me thinking ;) Every country will have a slightly different process.
I think it is a nice approach to have people rate. If we can just then add access options (access for all, or for a specified group). I don't have a clou if WP is the best option. But bear in mind the interface should be able to hold up to 100.000 images. Ideally:
* It would allow organizers to simply insert a list of commons file names for the photos
* It would allow organizers to specify who should have access to the voting interface
* It would allow organizers to have an overview of who voted, how often
* it would allow the user to show X images on a page, on a specified size and rank each of them
* It would allow the user to sort based on name, date, number of rankings and current ranking
* It would include a simple option (clicking) to enlarge the picture, and include a link to the detail page on commons.
Does that make sense?
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