Dear all,

As we are planning to give three prices – in amounts of NIS 5,000, 3,000 and 2,000 (approximately $1,200, 800 and 500), we are pleased to update that one of our sponsors – the Israeli Internet Association has agreed to give an additional price – in amount of NIS 2,000 (approximately $500) to a picture voted upon and chosen by the general public (it may be the picture chosen by our judges as one of the top three, or any other picture). The said picture will be sent along also to the international competition (i.e. the judges will choose nine pictures and the public an additional one).
In addition, our GLAM collaboration with the "Information Center for Israeli Art" at the Israel Museum, Jerusalem has expanded  -  we're happy to report that the museum will provide us with a list of public artworks to be photographed as part of the competition. These pictures are required for the Museum's database, and should, of course, be in Wiki Commons and Wikipedia as well (Israel has complete freedom of panorama, so it is allowed to photograph any artwork permanently located in public areas). The museum will also provide free tours for the public (the dates of which have yet to be finalized).
Furthermore, As part of our cooperation with the Society for Heritage Sites, the society has agreed that information desks about the competition will be placed in many of its museums throughout the country. The information desks will include a banner, handouts explaining about the competition (prepared by us), and handouts explaining about heritage sites in the vicinity of the museums (prepared by the society).
The information desks will operate at the regular operation hours of the museums, and alongside or as part of the museums regular information desks – therefore no volunteers are needed on our part, as the regular personal who man the info desks of the museum will be able to assist attendees with questions. We will give one lecture for all the museums personal at one place, prior to the competition, providing them with the information they may need.
This is a good tip for other countries – go to places with such information desks and ask them to put banners and hand out flyers. It costs no money (except the printing of banners and flyers)
A list if the information desks may be found here: