Looks cool!2011/6/13 Maarten Dammers <maarten@mdammers.nl>
Did anyone already try to use the Google Geocoding API [2] to get the coordinates?I did. I put together a proof of concept using Google Docs, see
This uses OSM API and GMaps API − At first look, OSM does not return that great results, GMaps works better.
A coordinate is better than no coordinate at all. From that point on we can start improving coordinates. We need of course somehow to indicate that the coordinate is derived and might contain errors. On the other hand: The coordinates we get from sources also contain errors so there is no real difference. I do wonder if the error rates are about the same.
I was unsure of what to do with it (whether or not it was precise enough to mass-geoloc items)
To my understanding, Poulpy already did something along those lines − can you confirm ?