is the test environment already supposed to work? It doesn't save anything it seems.
Both, please send it to me in order to start the pre-jury selection.
@Charles: I asked already to upload Swiss photos.
On 30.09.2012 23:53, Jason Spriggs wrote:
Who is the official contact for Switzerland? Charles or Ilario?
Anywho...Until I have all of your countries setup, here is some to test:
Click Demo
User: testaccPass: test
Updates are still being made so please hang on in respect to your country's specific install.
-- Ilario Valdelli Wikimedia CH Verein zur Förderung Freien Wissens Association pour l’avancement des connaissances libre Associazione per il sostegno alla conoscenza libera Switzerland - 8008 Zürich Tel: +41764821371
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