in general: yes, these things are local concerns, that should (or should not) be taken up by the local community. It is good that you make them aware of a problem (or at least something you perceive as such), but it is up to them to tackle it or not (even if you don't like that). Even stewards will be very very reluctant to go against local decisions - only an office action could probably really enforce anything. I know this often sounds very strange to enwiki users :) 


2013/9/16 Jeremy Baron <>
On Mon, Sep 16, 2013 at 5:42 AM, Federico Leva (Nemo)
<> wrote:
> With the current policy there is no real need to wait but asking/notifying
> locally first is the right thing to do. :)

Well I had mailed the OP on this thread about it. He seemed to claim
in that original message to be related to the script ("let us know")
so I thought that might be sufficient warning.
