contains 150 pictures. So lets say 400 at the end of the month (much less than the 3000 last year on flickr).
I believe germany is using flickr as well?? 

There seems to be
-German (empty)
-old netherlands group (allready on commons)

> Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2011 23:03:05 +0200
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Wiki Loves Monuments] Flickr
> Hi Strainu,
> Op 14-9-2011 21:42, Strainu schreef:
> > Hi,
> >
> > We're using flickr and we have about 200 images there so far. I'm
> > waiting for approval to run my import bot. So far I've made a test run
> > for 7 images.
> We have a ready to use bot account with pywikipedia set up. Could you
> please commit your code to
> ? Would be
> nice to make a scalable bot of this. You can find last years bot at
> > If you want to see the coutnries using flickr, just search for "wiki
> > loves monuments" in the flickr groups.
> I would prefer it if people add it to
> Maarten
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