
This is moving slowly but still moving ;)

Matej filled the mapping table.

I just asked for creation of an identifier property: https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Property_proposal/Register_nehnute%C4%BEn%C3%BDch_NKP
Please review it and show your support if it's correct.

I'm also planning to add the P1435 property ("heritage status") to the already existing items (with PetScan based on this cat https://sk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kateg%C3%B3ria:Kult%C3%BArne_pamiatky_na_Slovensku ).

Maybe some people will be available at the Wikimania hackathon to do the real import (the Montréal Team? :P ). Matej will you be there? (or someone else who know the context of monuments in Slovakia).
