2015-08-31 20:37 GMT+01:00 Lodewijk <lodewijk@effeietsanders.org>:
For example, I came across this file in the category, which is on this list and has already a commonscat. Is my understanding correct that normally, it should not be in the category any more?

Here is the bot log on this file:
Working on: File:Galata in atto di cadere, copia romano imperiale di un originale di Pergamo, datato tra la fine del III e la metà del II sec. a.C., restauri cinquecenteschi di Tiziano Aspetti, da Roma, (1).JPG
Monument with id 0270422856-MIBAC not in monuments database

So the first problem is that the monument does not make it into the database (cf. previous email)…

Might be part of the reason that the italian template uses "| comcat=" instead of "|commonscat=" in their template? 

Very good catch Lodewijk. The bot expects for it a commonscat ; I just filed <https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T111286> and will make a patch right away (although it will be moot as long as the other issue is not solved).