Ghana will present nominees in soon.

Will beat deadline, definitely :)


On Tuesday, October 23, 2012, Lodewijk wrote:
Hi all,

we're approaching the deadline of 31 October rapidly! After 23:59 UTC on 31 October it is no longer possible to submit your 10 nominees per country. Below I have included an overview of all countries that did NOT submit their nominees yet. An updated overview is kept at (please don't edit this section!). 

To submit your nominees, send:

* A list of maximum 10 url's to the images on Wikimedia Commons
* A summary of roughly 1-2 sentence(s) of your judging process (jury or public voting, how many rounds, how many images in the rounds, was there a scrutiny etc.)
* A list of your jury members

Send this to effeietsanders AT

Looking forward to your nominations. 

Kind regards,

Countries that did not submit their nominees yet: 
  1. ....
  2. Ghana - Will be pushing ours in soon
  3. ...

+Nyarko Rexford