I make photographies of monuments in Switzerland. I've began to upload. I've continue to make that.

The period of the contest it's not the main goal. The goal is to obtain new pictures.


2011/7/6 Ilario Valdelli <valdelli@gmail.com>
On Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at 12:41 PM, GoEthe.wiki <goethe.wiki@gmail.com> wrote:
> Regarding point 1, if we accept images uploaded in July and August from
> Switzerland, how would we have the nerve to reject images uploaded from
> other countries during that time period? On the other hand, if we reject
> images from Switzerland uploaded in July/August for the European contest,
> people excluded will also think that is not fair.
> BTW, someone said there were already pictures uploaded from Switzerland, but
> I could not find them. Can someone provide a link?
> Best,
> Gonçalo

In addition there are at least 500 photos in my hand that I have not
uploaded to wait the result of this dispute.

Consider that I have planned one day per week dedicated to this event
to take picture and every week I have 200/300 photos to be uploaded.
If I must wait September I need to upload more ore less 3000/4000
photos plus old photos still in my hard disk taken before June and not
uploaded yet!


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