Thanks Maarten for the update.

I wonder, from a non-nerd POV, if we could have some kind of statistics and its progress. I am thinking on files-monuments-users per country-lang. For exemple, how to organize a prize for quantity? I know there was something like that last year.


Date: Sat, 23 Jul 2011 15:55:51 +0200
Subject: [Wiki Loves Monuments] Update European tools

Hi everyone,

Everyone is busy working on their national contest. Some things you have to do locally, other things are provided on a European level. A lot of things were already mentioned on this list, but I would to provide a list anyway. What are the things we can offer:

* Upload form : There is going to be an upload form per country in multiple languages. We're working on the details with the WMF. When the prototype is ready I expect each country to provide input (my Belarusian is not what it used to be). I'll send around another email when I know more (soon I hope). Notes at [1]

* Automatic categorization: If the unique identifier of a monument is provided, it's possible to automatically categorize images after upload using an automated bot which has access to the database. This is already up and running. Take for example the Netherlands. Images are uploaded to Category:Rijksmonumenten with a identifier ({{Rijksmonument|<id>}}). The bot keeps an eye on category:Rijksmonumenten and tries to categorize these images every once in a while. How does this work? Every id is in a list. A list contains a link to Commons ({{Commonscat|<some category>}}). The bot uses this information to categorize the image. This can be set up for every country with unique identifiers. Example at [2].

* Automatic addition of coordinates: If you monuments have an unique identifier and the list entry contains coordinates for a monument, a bot will add this location ({{Object location|<lat>|<lon>}}) to the image. This can be set up for every country with unique identifiers. Example at [3].

* Monuments api [4]: The monuments api is going to be the basis for multiple tools:
** Monuments on the map in Open StreetMap, Google Maps & Google Earth. This should be easy to embed in your own website. This is not finished yet.
** Augmented reality using Layar. Prototype at [5]
** Maybe more?

* Commonist: Would be great if someone can pick up the Commonist Simplification - a simplified Commonist fork which prefills all fields where possible and makes it useful for non-nerds. Current version explanation available on [6]. To pick this up, you need to be able to program in java. 

Especially for the monuments api based tools we could use more help. We already have a lot of cool local tools. It would be great if we have some awesome European tools too from which all countries can benefit.
Maarten & Lodewijk

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