> From: odder.wiki@gmail.com
> Date: Fri, 24 Aug 2012 14:44:29 +0200
> To: wikilovesmonuments@lists.wikimedia.org
> Subject: Re: [Wiki Loves Monuments] September per time zones
> Hi Yaroslav,
> the problem we face here is that there are no technical means to use
> this scheme.
> Firstly, there is only one UploadCampaign for the US (same for Canada,
> the Netherlands, and Russia) - and secondly, the current CentralNotice
> and GeoNotice systems do not (truly) enable us to set up different
> campaigns for respective administrative divisions of a country (in
> this case, mainly the US and Canada).
> And just like you wrote, it would be a nightmare to track
> post-deadlines pictures: how would you tell if a user uploaded a
> picture from California or from New York? What would matter: the
> location of the object (based on geo-coordinates and GPS data, for
> example) or the real-life location of the user at the time of upload?
> ;-))
> I believe that besides the countries you mentioned - Canada, France,
> the Netherlands, Russia and the US - also Mexico uses different time
> zones. (Any countries I missed?) I would love to hear from people from
> those countries what they think as to what should be done here.
> --
> Tomasz W. Kozłowski
> a.k.a. [[user:odder]]
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