First point from Kilian should indeed be easy. 

But the plans from Tomasz seem quite a lot to me, maybe it's better to focus on the core improvements (simply cutting away unnessesary functions and adding the needed ones). But things like sexiness seems like way to difficult (then it's more like building a hole new uploadtool).



> Date: Wed, 7 Mar 2012 00:26:07 +0100
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Wiki Loves Monuments] Creation of a simplified Commonist
> Hi Tomasz,
> 2012/3/6 Tomasz W. Kozłowski <>:
> > Possible features:
> > * It should have some hard-coded (but localisable) information on the
> > rules of contest or the licence;
> > * An "info" tab (with a basic FAQ or some links) would be a plus.
> > * Sexiness (i.e. easy-to-use and shiny) would be a plus.
> > * More?
> It would be really great (and a huge improvement) if the programme was
> able to store the image descriptions and categories. So one could
> prepare all uploads in advance and then upload it a couple of days
> later when he's back home or at work with a decent upload bandwith.
> This is something I really miss.
> It's both very useful and fairly easy to implement (just have a
> database and use the filename/path as identifier, or the EXIF
> timestamp which would also allow for renames, or both). It's also not
> confusing for people who don't need it - they won't even notice or
> care, it most likely doesn't confuse them that the program keeps
> track. You could also implement a marker/icon that indicates whether a
> picture has been uploaded or not.
> Kilian
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