On Sat, Jan 25, 2014 at 6:10 AM, Federico Leva (Nemo) <nemowiki@gmail.com> wrote:
Asaf Bartov, 25/01/2014 03:12:

Thanks!  The most interesting datum I've noticed so far is the rate of
active editor (5+ edits/month) retention among new contributors after
six months, which is about 0.4%.

Is "active editor retention" a metric defined somewhere?
It's not in <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:WMF_standardized_editor_classes>.

I guess it isn't, and it seems to me it should be.  But I'm not a researcher, and I leave it to the research community to figure out if this is an interesting metric for them.  I can tell you it's an interesting metric to _me_, because making 1 edit some time within six months of registration is _much_ less meaningful than making at least 5 edits a month (which is the active editor definition).

(I note that https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Research:Active_editor is not in the above category, and is also not defined on Meta.  Once again, I'm not taking it upon myself to fix those pages, as I feel they are !owned by others.  But it behooves us to get these a little more aligned.  CCing Dario and crossing my fingers.

    Asaf Bartov
    Wikimedia Foundation

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